Recovery of memory properties of Neural Networks in attractors. / Propriedades de recuperação de memória em redes neurais atratoras.




Attractor neural networks are feedback neural networks with no pre-defined connection structure. These types of neural networks present a rich dissipative dynamics and, in general, are used as associative memory devices. Such devices have the capacity to retrieve a previously stored memory, even when exposed to partial or degraded information. To store a memory means to create an attractor for it in the network dynamics, and this is done by specifying the set of synaptic weighs. In this thesis, we concentrate on two classical ways of specifying the synaptics weighs: the pseudo-inverse and the optimal weighs models. For extremely diluted neural networks, for which the connectivity C and the number of neurons N satisfy the condition C « In N, we obtain the phase diagrams in the complete space of the model parameters through the analytical study of the retrieval overlap dynamics. We also investigate the retrieval properties of fully connected neural networks using two approaches: the analytical study of the neighborhood of the stored patterns, and the exhaustive enumeration of the attractors via numerical simulations. Finally, we study analytically the problem of categorization in the pseudo-inverse model. Categorization in attractor neural networks is the capacity to create an attractor for a concept to which the network has had access only through a finite number of examples.


attractors neural networks propriedades de recuperação de memória redes neurais atratoras artificial neurons recovery of memory neurônios artificiais

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