Redes de firmas como instrumento política industrial e difusão de inovações. / Inter-firm networks as instruments of industrial policy and fiffusion of innovation




The objective of this work is to analyze circumstances in which inter-firm networks could be utilized as instruments of industrial and technological policy making, as well as searching for the existence of successful cases of formation of inter-firm networks in the public sector. The methodology utilized consists of a theoretical analysis of inter-firm networks and industrial policy, focusing on neoclassical and evolutionist approaches, and case studies of support programs for inter business cooperative networks. The theoretical analysis involved two steps. The first was to identify the main characteristics of inter-firm networks and the mechanisms associated to their implementation and consolidation. The second was to analyze how state government can provide support to the formation of inter-firm networks through industrial and technological policy. In summary, the following Brazilian support programs for the formation of inter-firm networks were established: the Cooperative Networks Program of the Secretary of International Affairs Development of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (SEDAI) and the Sebrae Program of Sectorial Networks of the State of Santa Catarina. It was concluded that the support for forming inter-firm networks, especially in the case of micro businesses and small companies, is an important instrument for industrial policy making, specifically because of the potential of the networks to generate innovation, encourage learning and increase companies competitiveness.


industrial policy aprendizado inter-organizacional política industrial economia inter-firm networks redes de firmas inter-organizational learning

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