Redescrição de Choeradoplana iheringi Graff (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Terricola)


Revista Brasileira de Zoologia




Choeradoplana iheringi Graff, 1899 was described on specimens proceeding from Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Afterwards, RIESTER (1938), MARCUS (1951) and FROEHLICH (1955) analyzed specimens from southeast Brazil, identifying them as C. iheringi. In this study samples of C. iheringi from São Francisco de Paula, a site next to the type-locality, and specimens from the Southeast (Salesópolis, state of São Paulo), are comparatively analyzed. It was observed that the external morphology of the specimens from São Francisco de Paula and from Salesópolis is concordant with the original description of C. iheringi, as well as that by RIESTER (1938) and MARCUS (1951). The pharynx is better designated as bell-form, and not collar-form as described by GRAFF (1899). The copulatory apparatus is characterized by the presence of an intra-bulbar prostatic vesicle, consisting of two regions, an ental tubular one and an ectal one of variable shape; absence of penis papilla; and a male atrium, elongated and highlypleated. The copulatory apparatus of C. iheringi described by GRAFF shows some anatomical characteristics that distinguish it from the material studied by other authors, and from the material analyzed here. Some anatomical and histological characters of the copulatory apparatus distinguish the specimens from São Francisco de Paula from those of Salesópolis which are assigned to populational and/or physiological differences. The specimens from São Francisco de Paula and Salesópolis, as well as those analyzed by RIESTER (1938) and MARCUS (1951), are confirmed as C. iheringi Graff, 1899.

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