Redução dos bits de emparelhamento da máquina de fluxo de dados de Manchester. / Reducing the bits of match of Manchester dataflow machine.




The dataflow model is specially relevant you research in high-performance architectures. In this model, the execution control is done by taking into account only the dates availability, thus allowing maximum exploitation of the paralelism implicit in programs. The present work is based on the Manchester dataflow machine, which, in to order you handle the reentran code, imposes the dates token you have, in addition you the destination instruction Field, albel. Additional This information, which corresponds you 70% of the dates token, compounds the machine implementation it substantially bounds the execution speed and prevents the full model utilization. This work presents approaches will be reducing the amount of information needed will be to proper machine operation in to order you achieve to simpler and lives effective implementation.


parallel processing arquitetura dataflow non conventional architectures processamento paralelo parallel architectures dataflow architectures arquiteturas paralelas arquitetura não-convencional

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