Reflexão sobre a Prática: Argumentos e Metáforas no Discurso de um Grupo de Professores de Cálculo




The purpose of this work is to investigate how the discussion and the reflection on the proper professional practice, in the scope of a group of Calculus professors, can contribute for the professional development of the participants of this group, from what the professors effectively speak on its practice, in particular, on its lectures of Riemann Integrate for functions of a real variable. The Model of the Argumentative Strategy (FRANT &I CASTRO, 2002) and the Theory of the Embodied Cognition (LAKOFF &JOHNSON, 1980; LAKOFF &NÚÑEZ, 2000) compose the support theoretical-methodologycal. It is about a qualitative research, whose sort adopted is the inquiry of the proper practice (PONTE, 2004). It was verified from the arguments and the metaphors used by the professors when arguing about the practice, a strong tension between intuition and rigor on Calculus teaching and it has presented an analysis from the theoretical background. It was observed that the group of discussion was consolidated in an environment where the participants had felt free to expose their ideas, to change experiences and it helped the professors to rethink their pedagogical practice. The theoretical-methodological background adopted revealed to be appropriate to explore the ideologies of the professors from the arguments, allowing to explore the implicit in the speeches and to go deep, thus, the process of reflection in the group


educacao matematica desenvolvimento profissional reflection on the practice pratica de ensino arguments ensino de cálculo reflexão sobre a prática professional development metáforas integral argumentos professores de matematica calculo matematica metaphors integrate matematica -- estudo e ensino calculus teaching

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