Regulation of beta-glucuronidase synthesis in Escherichia coli K-12: pleiotropic constitutive mutations affecting uxu and uidA expression.


Among the beta-glucuronidase (UID)-constitutive mutants obtained by growth on methyl-beta-D-galacturonide, some strains are also derepressed for the two enzymes of the uxu operon: mannonate oxidoreductase (MOR) and mannonate hydrolyase (HLM). By conjugation and transduction experiments, two distinct constitutive mutations were separated in each pleiotropic mutant strain. One of them was specific for uidA gene expression and was characterized as affecting either uidO or uidR sites. The second type of mutation was mapped close to the uxu operon and was found to be responsible for the pleiotropic effect revealed in the primary mutants: after separation such a mutation still fully derepresses MOR and HLM synthesis but weakly derepresses UID synthesis. The pleiotropic effect of this mutation was maintained even though the activity of the structural genes was altered. This rules out the occurrence of an internal derepressing interaction between these enzymes. In merodiploid strains, uxu-linked constitutive mutations were recessive to the wild-type allele, suggesting that these mutations could affect a regulatory gene. The uxuR gene is probably a specific regulatory gene for a very close operon, uxu. Moreover, it has a weak effect on uidA expression. Thus, UID synthesis would be negatively controlled through the activity of two repressor molecules that are synthesized by two distinct regulatory genes, uidR and uxuR. These two repressing factors are antagonized, respectively, by phenyl-thio-beta-D-glucuronide and mannonic amide and could cooperate in a unique repression/induction control over uidA expression. Constitutive mutations affecting the control sites of uidA gene probably characterize two distinct attachment sites in the operator locus for each of the repressor molecules.

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