Regulation of Nadp-Malic Enzyme in the Eye-Antennal Disc of D. melanogaster/D. simulans Hybrids: Evidence for cis- and trans-Regulation


Pattern regulation of malic enzyme (ME) distribution in D. melanogaster/D. simulans (mel/sim) hybrid eye-antennal discs was investigated. Both cis- and trans-regulation of the spatial distribution pattern was observed within the eye portion of the disc complex. D. simulans possesses gene(s) that operate in trans in the hybrids to suppress ME staining along the morphogenetic furrow, a region that always stains in D. melanogaster. ME structural genes of both species were expressed in cis within the ommatidial preclusters and clusters of the hybrids. Malic enzyme was not expressed elsewhere in the eye disc of either species. Restoration of the D. melanogaster furrow pattern element occurred in partial hybrids that were homozygous for the D. melanogaster 3R where the structural gene resides. Therefore, a dominant gene(s) in the D. simulans 3R suppresses the D. melanogaster furrow pattern, while a recessive gene(s) in the D. melanogaster 3R restores the pattern when the trans-suppressor is removed. These conclusions agree with those found for regulation of aldehyde oxidase distribution in D. melanogaster/D. simulans hybrid wing discs.

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