Relação e comunidade no pensamento de Martin Buber




The present dissertation elucidates the proposal of Martin Bubers social and political philosophy. Departing from his philosophical anthropology, the foundation of which is his comprehension of man as a being-with-the-other, we come to his idea of community as a social structure which would best favour the fulfilment of mans relational nature. The essencial elements of Bubers idea of community are the spontaneity; the capacity to be something lived by each one and by all at the same time; the fact of it be a response to a concrete situation; the fact that man opt for it out of free will and tend to it naturally; the fact that it is the kingdom of the between (the most important element of the human interaction); the fact that it is always an end and never a mean; the capacity to keep an openess to the divine and the fact that it is built through education. The political model which would best favour this kind of community is socialism which, according to Bubers proposal, is a communitarian socialism. This model would be built from communitarian structures. The way that would lead to it is a permanent revolution, fruit of a social and economical descentralization which would rebuild the whole society. The neoliberal reality, the brain of which are the multinationals, are the biggest threat to communities autonomy. A Buberian alternative to the exacerbated individualism and to the economical centralization proposed by neoliberalism would be, without doubt, a socialist project built from communitarian structures which would incorporate the function of production as well as the function of consumption, the fundamental elements of which are reciprocity, mutuality, alterity, totality with predominance of the social principle over the political principle.


filosofia social antropologia filosófica movimento cooperativisita filosofia socialismo utópico buber, martin, 1878-1965 - crítica e interpretação

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