Relação entre a concentração de serotonina no plasma rico em plaquetas e a resposta à terapia comportamental baseada em exposição com prevenção de resposta no transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo / Relationship between platelet serotonin concentration and exposure with response prevention-based therapy response in obsessivecompulsive outpatients




INTRODUCTION: Both gold standard treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder (pharmacotherapy with serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and behavioral with exposure and response prevention [ERP]) are equally effective. Studies have demonstrated similar neurobiological changes elicited by these different treatments in OCD patients. These findings are suggestive that the clinical response to ERP is directly related to an increase of the 5-HT concentration in the brain. The platelet 5-HT concentration have been shown as a representative measure of central serotonergic system and used as a biological marker of the synaptic transmition. OBJECTIVE: To compare the platelet 5-HT concentration (basal and variation in 8 weeks) and the clinical response to ERP treatment. METHODS: 30 OCD patients were included and 29 started the treatment. 27 patients compleated at list 4 weeks and 24 completed all 8 weeks (16 sesions) ERP protocol. Patients had the basal and final (after 8 weeks) platelet 5-HT concentrations dosed and the clinical response measured by Y-BOCS, CGI and measures of secondary symptoms as well (depression, anxiety and disability). RESULTS: Data shows a positive correlation between the basal concentration of 5-HT and the 4 week ERP response (p<0,05). There were higher basal concentration and reduction in 8 weeks of platelet 5-HT concentration in the responders group compared with non-responders. Nevertheless, this differences was not significant (p>0,05). CONCLUSION: In the studied sample data suggest that high basal 5-HT platelet concentration is a biologic predictor of fast onset (4 weeks) of clinical response to ERP. Probably larger samples would show the basal 5-HT platelet concentration as a predictor of 8 weeks ERP outcome. Controlled trials are needed to confirm these findings


obsessive-compulsive disorder serotonin platelet-rich plasma terapia comportamental neurobiologia neurobiology serotonina transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo plaquetas blood platelets plasma rico em plaquetas behavior therapy

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