Relação entre a proliferação neointimal e a lesão inicial, em pacientes portadores de stent coronario, pela angiografia quantitativa




In the process of restenosis, neointimal proliferation appears to be associated with initial plaque, according to intravascular ultrasound studies. The purpose this study was to assess the relationship between initial plaque and neointimal proliferation afier stent implantation using quantitative coronary angiography (QCA). Methods: We select the data fi:om 26 patients, 61 % males, 35 % diabetics, who had a second coronary angiogram done fi:om 21 to 586 days afier stent implantation for diagnostic investigation of chest pain. Coronary angiogram of same angiography views were analyzed taking the center of the image of the stent as common topographic 1andmark. We assess: (1) the distribution of abnormalities in the contours along the 10ngitudinal1engthof the image correspondent to the neointimal proliferation (NP) and to the initial plaque (IP), and the distribution of initial p1aque confluent (IPC) with the distribution of neointimal proliferation; (2) the area of neointimal (ANP), the area of initial plaque (AIP) and the area ofplaque confluent with the neointimal area (AIPC). Results: Univariate linear regression analysis showed a significant correlation between NP and IP (r=O.66, p=O.OO2)and strong correlation between NP and IPC (r=O.89, p=O). Univariate linear regression analysis showed a significant correlation between ANP and AIP (r=O.63,p=O) and a strong correlation between ANP and AIPC (r=O.87,p=O). There was no significant difference in results of regression analysis between the binary levels of the factors seXorestenosis and diabetes. Conclusion: Our study support the concept of a significant association between initial plaque and neointimalproliferation growth afier implantation of coronary stents



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