Relação entre o índice de infestação predial (IIP), obtido pelo levantamento rápido (LIRAa) e intensidade de circulação do vírus do Dengue. / Relation between the House Index levels obtained from LIRAa and dynamics of dengue virus circulation.




The prime objective of this study is to verify the existence of a relation between the House Index levels obtained from LIRAa and dengue transmission during the weeks after the release of the former. It is based on an ecological study which rely on municipal analysis units obtained from SINAN as well as from records about LIRAa taken from 2003 to 2006, according to various State Health Secretaries. A statistically significant and positive correlation between the House Index and the basic reproduction number (R0) has been observed as well as the force of infection. The results of this study reinforce the importance of LIRAa as a warning mecanism to local authorities responsible for dengue control in their municipalities as it has been indirectly demonstrated that a higher House Index in the months before summer may result in higher figures of dengue cases.


saude publica aedes aegypti liraa liraa dengue larval index aedes aegypti índices larvários dengue fever

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