Relação entre perímetro escrotal e concentração espermática em cães, clinicamente normais, da raça Pastor Alemão


Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia




The aim of this study was to estimate the correlation between scrotal girth and spermatic concentration in German Sheepherd dogs. Thirteen German Sheepherd dogs were used and 44 semen samples were obtained by digital manipulation. The ejaculate was separated in its three fractions. The sperm rich fraction was kept for evaluation and determination of spermatic concentration by spectrofotometry. The parameters were expressed as mean and standard deviation. Spearman correlation test was used to estimate the correlation between spermatic concentration and scrotal girth. The mean spermatic concentration was 568.45±314.91x10(6) sptz/ml and the mean scrotal girth was17.6±1.6 cm and the correlation was r = 0.10. It can be conclude that scrotal girth can not be an appropriate measurement as indicative of spermatic concentration in German Sheepherd dogs.


cão sêmen concentração espermática perímetro escrotal

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