Relation between shapes of post-synaptic potentials and changes in firing probability of cat motoneurones


1. The shapes of post-synaptic potentials (p.s.p.s) in cat motoneurones were compared with the time course of changes in firing probability during repetitive firing. Excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (e.p.s.p.s and i.p.s.p.s) were evoked by electrical stimulation of peripheral nerve filaments. With the motoneurone quiescent, the shape of each p.s.p. was obtained by compiling post-stimulus averages of the membrane potential. Depolarizing current was then injected to evoke repetitive firing, and the post-stimulus time histogram of motoneurone spikes was obtained; this histogram reveals the primary features (peak and/or trough) of the cross-correlogram between stimulus and spike trains. The time course of the correlogram features produced by each p.s.p. was compared with the p.s.p. shape and its temporal derivative.

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