Relation to the increse of space pericoronal (radiolucencies) with dentigerous cyst related to third molars inferiors / "Relação do aumento do espaço pericoronário (halo radiolúcido) com cisto dentígero associado a terceiros molares inferiores"




The aim of this study was to verify the relationship between the radiographically measured of the pericoronal space in order to contribute to the diagnosis of dentigerous cyst related to third molars inferior.The panoramic radiography were reparted in two different groups: unerupted teeth and partially erupted teeth and there relations with gender, age, inflammatory tissue and dentigerous cyst. This data were obtained by measuring the pericoronal space with precision instruments on files of panoramic radiographies that includes results from hystopatological exams. The samples showed there was no relation between the diameter of pericoronal sack and detigerous cysts. There was found data of dentigerous cysts cases from 1,8mm of diameter. There were evidences that as large as the diameter the incidence of dentigerous cysts were higher. But there were no possibilities to have a definitive diagnosis only based on dimensional informations. At the end of study, the results corroborate that the hystopatological exam with imaging exams is the only way to determinate definitely the the nature of disease


radiography panoramic pericoronarite molar third cyst dentigerous radiografia panorâmica terceiro molar cisto dentígero pericoronitis

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