Relative Frequency Distribution of D125 C Values for Spore Isolates from the Mariner-Mars 1969 Spacecraft


Bacterial spore crops were prepared from 103 randomly selected aerobic mesophilic isolates collected during a spore assay of Mariner-Mars 1969 spacecraft conducted by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. D125 c values, which were determined by the fractional-replicate-unit-negative-most-probable number assay method using a forced air oven, ranged from less than 5 min to a maximum of 58 min. Subsequent identification of the 103 isolates indicated that there was no relationship between species and dry-heat resistance. A theoretical dry-heat survival curve of the “population” was nonlinear. The slope of this curve was determined almost exclusively by the more resistant organisms, although they represented only a small portion of the “population.”

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