Remodeling of the human dermis after application of salicytate silanol / Remodelamento da derme humana apos aplicação de salicilato de silanol




Mesotherapy is a technique that lacks scientifical clinical trials. In 2005, a controlled double-blind study in patients with photo-aged facial skin demonstrated the beneficial role of oral intake of silanol for skin, hair and nails. Facing it, a study was developed to compare histological alterations in human skin that received intradermal injections of silanol. Ten healthy female caucasian volunteers with a moderate degree of photoaged skin received ten sessions of weekly injections of 0.1% salicylate silanol in the left ventral lateral forearm and physiological solution injections on the right forearm. At biopsy time, three patients denied to receive this procedure. The histological features of punch biopsies of the treated area and the nontreated contralateral arm were compared and the collagen and elastic fibers were quantified by a blind physician. Texture analysis was performed on digitalized microscopic images by analyzing the Sarkar fractal dimension and amplitudes (inertia values) after Fast Fourier transformation. The treated area revealed a statistically significant increase of the density of both collagen and elastic fibers. Texture analysis showed more compact and homogenously distributed collagen fibers after silicon injection. This result suggests that the application of silicon may stimulate the production of collagen and elastic fibers leading to remodeling of the dermal fiber architecture, which may explain the improvement of the skin surface observed in clinical studies. Also, a case report illustrates a mycobacteria infection following an ultrasound hydrolipoclasia procedure, complication not previously reported in medical literature. After the antibiotic treatment, the patient developed atrophic scars, that received five sessions of mesotherapy with silanol, with some improvement in scar appearance


collagen colageno fibras elasticas scars cicatriz elastic fiber

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