Reologia e escoamento turbulento de suspensãões de minerio de ferra




Experimental studies on the laminar and turbulent tube flow of iron ore suspensions were carried out. A special rheometer operating with disposable tubes was utilised in determining the rheological parameters of the suspensions. The concentrations, by weight, ranged from 25% to 75% and the temperatures used were 20, 30 and 40 °C. The behavior or the suspensions were fitted by the rheological models of Bingham and Power Law, for the calculation of friction losses for either laminar and turbulent tube flow. Experimental data in the turbulent tube flow were carried out in pilot plant with tubes of 2,71 and 5,22cm inner diameter and concentrations by weight of 40%, 50% and 65%. Friction factors in the turbulent region was calculated with experimental ones obtained in this work in order to check the correlations recomended and also to calculate pumping power in slurries pipelines


reologia suspensão (quimica) minerio de ferro

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