Replication of colicinogenic factor E 1 DNA: evidence for a discontinuous replication mechanism


The mechanism of Col E 1 DNA replication was investigated in a plasmolysed cell system prepared from chloramphenicoltreated E. coli JC 411 (Col E 1). After pulse-labelling with 3H-dTTP a considerable fraction of the newly synthesized DNA was recovered as single-stranded fragments. Upon alkali denaturation the pulse label was found in DNA chains sedimenting slower than unit length Col E 1 strands with a prominent peak at 5 S. During a chase with unlabeled precursors the label is transferred nearly completely into supercoiled Col E 1 DNA. DNA ligase appears to be required for the joining of the 5 S pieces since in the absence of NAD an accumulation of short fragments is observed.

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