Representações discursivas do universo feminino em livros didaticos de frances : lingua estrangeira




This study investigates discursive representations of gender in the French language textbooks used for foreign language teaching, edited in France and used in Brazil during fhe last ten years. We examine specificaly discursive representotions of women s world in the public sphere (professional context) and in the private sphere (domestic and family context). The research is conducted in a transdisciplinary method - Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis -taking into account the interdependence between "materialistic linguistics" and "discursive process" inciting the constitutive dimension of meaning. In these representations we examine the discursive resonances around lexical items and modes of speech. On this way the analysis raised the predominance of discursive representations of females by inequitable comparison to the males ones: a) administrotive functions; b) technological science and educational professions and c) disqualifying and blocking event configurations to female speech. We realized a study fundamental/y qualitative therefore quantitative information is presented organized the corpora. Finally, this research attempts to a contribution for didactic textbook analysis on Applied Unguistics area influencing teachers, creotors of textbooks, etc.. Moreover, another target of the study is to influence researchers on the need of foreign language teacher s owareness about the importance of studying social constructions of social representations and its discursive resonances as a compulsory criterion for didactic textbook evaluation (and other support materiais). Here we consider discursive practices as central in the pedagogical context in which the didactic textbook and its use are basic elements for the production conditions for these practices.


material didatico analise do discurso lingua francesa - estudo e ensino aquisição da segunda linguagem

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