Representações sociais de fenômenos anômalos em profissionais clínicos de psicologia e psiquiatria / Social representations of anomalous phenomena in clinical psychology and psychiatry professionals




This paper presents an introduction to studies on anomalistic psychology as well as its history and development. From the first spontaneous reports which seem to follow the beginning of mankind until the systematic studies going through the Society for Psychical Research in London to the laboratory experiments at Duke, with the couple Rhine and team, and back in todays Anomalistic Psychology. We also included an Investigation on their differences and similarities and a brief description of the alleged psychological abnormalities such as precognition, near-death experiences (involving Out-of-Body Experiences) and psychographics. This work also presents a discussion on the academic view concerning the term spirituality found in literature and notes that there is a tendency of separating it from religion and an approach to the search towards the meaning of life. This paper also presents applications of spirituality in the fields of physical and mental health. The empirical study, based on the Theory of Social Representations of Serge Moscovici, a leading author of Social Psychology and creator of this concept, investigated the presence of SR (Social Representation) of the discussed anomalous phenomena (precognition, near-death experience and psychographics) in the answers from clinical professionals of psychology and psychiatry. By collecting responses related to a standard question, in the psychology scope, professionals from the following fields were studied: Psychoanalysis, Behaviour Analysis, Analytical Psychology and Transpersonal Psychology. Analyzing the SR, there were no phenomena of this kind in the answers from professionals of Clinical Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Analytical Psychology and Behaviour Analysis. Only in the answers from Transpersonal Psychology professionals were found SR of the discussed anomalous phenomena. In the other groups, clear anchoring attempts occurred. Anchoring is an important process in the generation of SR which has the main function of familiarizing the unfamiliar. We conclude that, according to the sample collected, anchoring attempts from Professionals of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Behaviour Analysis and Analytical Psychology used their own concepts belonging to each one of these approaches. We propose in this study a dialogue between the spirituality concepts understood by the academy and certain anomalous experience claims, due to the fact that some experiences can have a strong impact on a persons beliefs, behaviour and values, to the point of leading him or her to a systematic search for the meaning of life. Since this is an exploratory study, further research should be conducted to corroborate or refute the results presented here.


psiquiatria espiritualidade psychiatry social representation psicologia clínica representação social clinical psychology anomalistic psychology psicologia anomalística spirituality

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