Resolução de um problema dinamico de programação de maquinas paralelas com custo de troca de ferramentas dependente da sequencia e restrições de tempo




The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is the efficient distribution of products in order to attend customer requirement. Recently, the advances in information technology as radio transmission, cellular telephone, localization systems by satellite, are altering the scenarios in that VRP occurs and allowing update of information and vehicle localization occur in real time. The VRP is dynamic if the inputs of the problem are known by the decision-maker and are updated concurrentlY with the deterrnination or execution of the route s set. A Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem (DVRP) will be established and a solution s method, called MORSS algorithm, will be adapted to solve DVRP instances. Next, a Dynamic Scheduling Problem (DSP) will be established and the MORSS algorithm will be adapted to solve DSP instances. A second method, based in heuristics of neighborhood search and insertion, will be also proposed to solve DSP instances. This work proposes to solve two different dynamic problems searching to evaluate the MORSS algorithm adaptability and performance as resolution method. In the PDP, the performance of the second method proposed also will be analyzed and compared with the performance obtained by MORSS algorithm


transportes otimização matematica heuristica pesquisa operacional programação orientada a objetos (computação)

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