Revelando os Brasis : o objeto assumindo o papel do sujeito em um projeto de inclusão audiovisual / Revealing the Brazils : the object assmes the role of the subject in this public project of video production as a way of inclusion




Express themselves through the audiovisual media has been a strong feature of the contemporary. Access to new technologies, which each day are cheaper and easier to handle, works to encourage the use of this code of communication in diverse situations. It is within this reality that appears, in 2004, Revelando os Brasis, a project of the Ministry of the Culture which gives technical and financial support for residents of municipalities with less than 20 thousand people so they can make a 15 minutes video of a real or a fictional story. It is Brazil showing itself within the different cultures that coexist here, valorizing the thousands of identities that form this country. In each edition of the project, so far were three, forty residents of small communities throughout the country have the opportunity to show their culture with the intimacy of those who experienced it. Those who have historically had their reality portrayed by the figure "of the other", limited to a role of object, have the opportunity to change their attitude and assume the role of subject of the discourse. While directors, they got the power. The power to show their traditions, values, concepts and events through their eyes, the eyes of those who experience the reality that it proposes to transform audiovisual code. And the videos produced by this new generation of filmmakers become an important material and social heritage of Brazilian culture. It s custom that the videos produced by Revelando os Brasis go to major film and video festivals and exhibitions throughout Brazil, enabling thousands of Brazilian citizens to know the culture, the personalities, the legends and stories which usually have no space in mass media. Among the directors, the companionship of the other 39 people with several habits and knowledge becomes another wealth of the project. Project that leaves as the main legacy, not only a rich collection of audiovisual Brazilian culture, but also citizens with a higher self-esteem and a sense of capacity more developed. Revelando os Brasis can be seen as an important project of inclusion with results that actually exceed the audiovisual universe


diversity cultura - brasil audiovisual audio-visual documentario documentary ficção film production fiction culture video diversidade

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