Revisão taxonomica do genero macrosiphonia Muell.-Arg. (apocynaceae)




The present study consists of a taxonomic revision of the genus Macrosiphonia Muell.- Arg. including a discussion of taxonomically important morphological characters and a key for identification of species. A complete synonimy, description, illustration and distribution map are provided for each species. Additionally comments concerning phenology were supplied Whenever possible. The study of morfology was based on analysis of exsicata from the main national and foreign herbaria. Taxonomically importat characters for species distinction are: leaves, indument, number of flowers per inflorescence, corolla tube length and fruit shape. Of the 13 species recorded in literature, 10 were considered as valid, and these are segregated into two subgenera: 1. Subgenus Macrosiphonia : M. martii Muell.- Arg.; M. longiflora (Desf.) Muell.- Arg.; M. virescens ( St.Hil.) Muell.- Arg.; M. petraea (St.Hil.) K. Schum; and M. velame (St. Hil.) Muell. - Arg.; 2. Subgenus Telosiphonia Woodson: M. lanuginosa (Mart. &Gal.) Hemsl.; M. brachysiphon (Torr.) A. Gray; M. woodsoniana Standl.; M. hypoleuca (Benth.) Muell.- Arg.; and M. hesperia I.M. Johnston. AlI species of the subgenus Macrosiphonia occur in Brasil. Two subspecies were recognised under the species M. petraea (St. Hil.) K. Schum.: M. petraea (St. Hil.) K. Schum. subsp. petraea and M. petraea subsp. pinifolia (St. Hi1.) I.R.Barban. ...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


hortaliças - biologia

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