Revisão taxonomica do genero Marcetia DC -(melastomataceae)




A taxonomic revision of the genus Marcetia DC. Melastomataceae)is presented with a dichotomous key to all taxa, species descriptions, illustrations, synonymy, distribution maps, observation on distribution and ecology and citation of specimens. Based on a study of some 3,000 exsiccata from 19 national and 14 overseas herbaria together with some field observations and scanning electronic microscope studies of seed testa characters, 27 species are recognized, six of which are new, and one new combination. One specific name M. heterophylla, is treated as doubtful. The genus is maintained in the tribe Tibouchineaer and the infrageneric classification is not accepted. The genus Marcetia can be distinguished within the Tibouchineae principally by the combination of tetramerous flowers, eglandular leaves, and simple anthers which lack both basally prolonged conectives and ventral appendages. With one exception the genus is endemic to Brazil, where most species are of very limited distribut ion in areas of campo rupestre in the Serra do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais and the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. A few species such as M. canescens and Mericoides have a wider distribution to both montainous and littoral areas, whilst M. shepherdii is endemic to restinga. Only one species M. taxifolia, is wide-ranging with a disjunct distribution (E-NE Brazil to northern South America). This variable taxon, which has been treated by previous author, as comprising several distinct taxa, is here treated as a single species


botanica - classificação melastomataceae

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