Rhodotorulic Acid from Species of Leucosporidium, Rhodosporidium, Rhodotorula, Sporidiobolus, and Sporobolomyces, and a New Alanine-Containing Ferrichrome from Cryptococcus melibiosum


An examination of 142 strains within 19 genera of yeasts and yeastlike organisms for formation of hydroxamic acids in low-iron culture showed production of hydroxamates by two unclassified strains and by 52 strains among the genera Aessosporon (3 of 3 strains), Cryptococcus (1 of 43), Leucosporidium (3 of 11), Rhodosporidium (4 of 4), Rhodotorula (27 of 39), Sporidiobolus (2 of 2), and Sporobolomyces (12 of 13). Crystalline rhodotorulic acid was isolated in amounts sufficient to account for most or all of the measured hydroxamate in culture supernatants of 16 strains representative of the five last-mentioned hydroxamate-producing genera. A new alanine-containing ferrichrome was isolated from one strain of Cryptococcus melibiosum. Rhodotorulic acid was a major metabolic product of many of the positive strains when grown in low-iron media, and iron was shown to repress its synthesis and excretion into the culture medium. The taxonomic significance of production of hydroxamic acids is described in connection with the position of these yeast species in the subclass Heterobasidiomycetidae.

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