Road princing based on costs: a critique / Uma crítica à estratégia de fixação de preços diferenciados, por custo objetivo, na cobrança pelo uso de infra-estrutura rodoviária




The problem of research that this dissertation proposed to answer was in which economical fundaments should be based the price differentiation in the commercial exploration of infrastructure of highway system. At the same time, it was searched to know the reasons that justify this differentiation. In the academic literature, very little space is dedicated to the theoretical study of price differentiation in the ambit of public services, for whose provision, direct or indirect, the State impose huger demands than those applied to private activities. Public price regimes that embrace price differentiation in public services - and more specifically, in the exploration of roads tend to have, as economical fundament, the association of prices to costs that, supposedly, some classes of users impose to the provision of services. Theres no consensus, however, how to promote this association, not even about it, in fact, its reasonable. Answering the problem of research, it was developed in this dissertation an analysis of theories that sustain the two main types of price differentiation: related to the costs and related to the willingness to pay. Comparing these theories, it was intended to show up which joins the logical fundaments more consistent, so, to achieve a conclusion about the subject. Furthermore, it was carried out a case study destined to check the practical applicability of conclusion that was reached in the theoretical analysis, considering the institutional context that is inserted the Federal Highway Concession Program. From the theoretical analysis proposed in the research and in sequence, the case study, it was concluded that the only economical rational strategy for the price differentiation is the one that consider the disposition of users to pay for the service, although the applicable legislation to the roads concessions doesnt receive it satisfactorily.


engenharia civil custo escola austríaca diferenciação de preço rodovia

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