Rotas, planos, pilotos : a educação publica do Distrito Federal nos anos 1990




Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, or the Federal District, as it is commonly known, constitutes an atypical political entity in the country s federative framework because its attributions comprise those that are peculiar to a state and the ones regarding a municipality as well. Among its government s duties are providing three levels of education: basic, special and professional. As an issue assured by Brazil s 1998 Constitution, Brasilia governors are elected through direct vote of its citizens. The present work investigates the trajectory of education in the Federal District since its inauguration - with emphasis on the three elective terms of its governors during the years 1990 through 2002 - concerning the issues of educational policies, public management of the public teaching network and ways of governing. The studies of such aspects are carried out focusing on the following e1ective terms: Governor Joaquim Roriz (1991-1994), Governor Cristovam Buarque (1995-1998), Governor Joaquim Roriz (1999-2002). The research is fundamentally guided by bibliographic studies and analyses of official documents of the government and of the Secretary of Education of the Federal District, and local newspapers have been used as a secondary information source. Thus, the work aims at analyzing the District s public education after the (re)-institutionalization of the democratic regime in Brazil, and, especially, in the country s capital. For that matter, motivating questions from the research effort have been selected, in an attempt to get to understand: the public management of the teaching network of the District during the elective terms of the three governors highlighted in the research; the purposes established and the means used by them for maintenance, enlargement and qualification of the teaching network; the meaning of the actions and of the agents in the realization of the educational policies in the District; the characteristics of styles of each of the governors; the repercussion of the atypicity of the District management; the relationships between local elections and public management


politica e educação gestão educacional - distrito federal (brasil) sistema de ensino educação e estado

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