Roteiros culturais, frames e metáforas conceituais : abordagens para o estudo da unidade/diversidade linguistica/cultural dos falantes da língua espanhola




This study aims to analyze communications strategies of a group of Hispanics of different origins. For that purpose, we define communications strategies as resources used in face to face encounters to give meaning to what we want to express. These are broken down into analytical units based on the following theoretical models: cultural scripts, frames, and conceptual metaphors. This choice allows us to outline the relationship between language, culture and thought with an empirical perspective that offers a framework to study the diversity of language and culture of Spanish speakers. The data for this case study was obtained through questionnaires and interviews with representatives of four of the eight linguistic categories of Spanish: Andalusian, Andean, Caribbean, and Castillian. The results show varying degrees of cultural and linguistic homogeneity. The largest similarities were between speakers from the Andean and Caribbean region on the one hand, and the Andalusian and Andean on the other. The study also shows traces of individual and cultural differences such as ideas, actions, sentiments, values, etc. This confirms the usefulness of these theoretical models in studying the subject and in developing proposals to apply socio-cultural content in teaching Spanish as a foreign language.


frames língua frames espanhol cultural scripts roteiros culturais spanish cultura conceptual metaphor language metáforas conceituais linguistica aplicada culture

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