Rotinas defensivas no ambiente de terceirizaÃÃo em tecnologia da informaÃÃo: um estudo de caso




Outsourcing suggests a continuous interaction between provider and customer, whose focus is the relationship and not just an interchange of economicfinancial value. In the interaction process, the conversations assume an important role in the communication and everybody is exposed to defensive behaviors that can inhibit the organizational learning. This work investigated the factors that contribute to bring up defensive routines that create barriers to the learning in the IT outsourcing activity relationship management. The methodology of research used was a case study, based on no-structured interviews, opening up to the researcher to go deeper into some aspects of the relationship management between provider and customer. The results confirmed that organizational learning, today, limits to the first order learning, characterized by the tactical relationship stage and proved existence of defensive routines. During the accomplishment of this work, the managers took conscience of the important role of conversations to identify the defensive routines. The managers could verify and to understand that they need act in the sense of dissolving those routines and, as that, they can contribute to establish a second order learning, that is, an organizational learning more driven to the strategic level relationship.


organizational learning it outsourcing ontologia da linguagem gestÃo do relacionamento da terceirizaÃÃo em ti rotinas defensivas relationship defenses routines outsourcing aprendizagem organizacional terceirizaÃÃo em ti language ontology relacionamento it outsourcing relationship management terceirizaÃÃo administracao de recursos humanos

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