Safety culture versus risk culture: A psychosocial study about the regard and its caption possibilities of environment information. / Cultura de segurança versus cultura de risco : estudo psicossocial sobre o olhar e a possibilidade de captação de informações ambientais




This study aims to make clear how people react to catastrophic natural or social events, which may represent significant losses to its social psychic or physical identity. The observable phenomenon is the noncommunicability of risk translated in strategic operation inaction in face of threatening situations. This study holds the hypothesis that an individual faces risk in a nonreasonable way. In this research, the data was collected in a neighborhood in which dwellers suffered a catastrophic flood on February 17, 2003. A number of semiopen interviews were conducted in order to find the meaning of this noncommunicability of risk. According to the answer to a given question, the next question was formulated seeking to clarify the information given. It was assumed that this noncommunicability of risk is placed in the intersection of the psychic, social and logic spheres, where rational thinking is an explanatory appendix but does not contribute to the argument. The analysis of the threatening fact is not part of the decision argument of the subject; it is an appendix to it. The argument analysis method was used in the data analysis in order to demonstrate externality of the logic argument, which is used in a nonlogic way.


psychoanalysis psicologia social discourse analysis psicanálise social psychology análise do discurso linguistic analysis risco risk ambientes sociais social environments

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