Salmonella serogroups C2 and C3 identified by agglutination using an immunoglobulin G3(kappa) monoclonal antibody (32-1-E3) reactive with a somatic factor 8-like polysaccharide antigen.


An immunoglobulin G3(kappa) monoclonal antibody (MAb), MAb 32-1-E3, which was prepared in BALB/c mice by using a heated, alcohol-acetone-extracted Salmonella newport CDC 50 antigen, reacted with protein-free lipopolysaccharides from Salmonella groups C2 (O:6,8) and C3 (O:-,8) but not with those from any other serogroup tested. Sodium periodate did not inhibit antigen reactivity, which was consistent with its identity as the abequose-containing disaccharide O:8 antigen. Reactivity was inhibited by competition with serogroup C2 (O:6,8) and C3 (O:-,8) antigens but not with non-O:8 antigens. Reactivity was also inhibited by preincubation of the antigen with polyclonal rabbit antiserogroup C2 or C3 antibodies but not with antisera to serogroup C1 or other Salmonella serogroups. The MAb agglutinated with all strains of Salmonella serogroups C2 and C3 tested but not with other bacteria. Agglutination was inhibited by preabsorbing the MAb with either of two serogroup C3 Salmonella strains, S. virginia CDC 189 or S. haardt MDL 83A4545, which contain only O:8, but not by preabsortion with O:8-negative S. cholerasuis MDL 81A7623 (group C1; O:6,7), S. paratyphi type B CDC 157 (group B; O:1,[4],5,12), or Escherichia coli (O:157) (which contains no Salmonella serogroup antigens). The MAb reacted strongly (4+ agglutination) with all 140 wild-type strains of group C2 and C3 Salmonella spp. tested and showed no reaction with any of 1,324 wild-type strains of non-C2 or non-C3 Salmonella spp. tested. The MAb is useful as a replacement for absorbed, polyclonal, single-factor O:8 antiserum to discriminate Salmonella serogroups C2 and C3 from serogroup C1.

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