São Paulo na órbita do Império dos Felipes: conexões castelhanas de uma vila da América Portuguesa durante a União Ibérica (1580-1640) / São Paulo in the orbit of the empire of Philip: connections of a Castilian village of Portuguese America during the Iberian Union (1580-1640)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aims to examine some of the impacts of the macro-political process generated by the Union of Iberian Crowns (1580-1640) in the local logic of the colonial space represented by the village of São Paulo of the Piratininga. It is understood that the Portuguese world, both in its peninsular and colonial bias, was indeed incorporated into the framework of the Catholic monarchy led by the Castilian monarchs, the Habsburg dynasty - the Philips - in this context. Thus, projects, policies, intentions and practices emanating from the empire came, not necessarily in a linear or homogeneous manner, to the most diverse corners of its space. In this paper, we have attempted to understand how these rules and regulations of the monarchy were traversed by the agents of power, by local elites, institutions, economic realities and political disputes. From this perspective, the paper analyzes the process of incorporation and ownership of the Captaincy of São Vicente in the new monarchical logic implemented in Portugal since 1580; dreams of minerals designed and deployed in Sao Paulo by the Governor General D. Francisco de Souza, as well as his political practice in the expanding village; the horizontal connections established between the village of São Paulo and the region of Paraguay, in particular La Guaira, a perspective that allows us to go beyond the bandeiras (exploration groups) of sheer capture; the processes of demarcation and definition of identity, experienced by the Peninsula, pari passu with the colonies in the 1630s and 1640, and the effects of détente represented by the \"Restoration\" in the Portuguese town of São Paulo. As an element that guides the entire period, the paper seeks to recover some of the traces of the presence of a population of Castilian origin, a striking presence in the village of São Paulo at the time, as well as identify some of their ties and connections.


castelhanos castilian connected histories empire histórias conectadas iberian union império são paulo são paulo união ibérica

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