São Tome das Letras na encruzilhada das fonte, dos tempos e dos saberes : um estudo sobre etnografia e historicidade com registros audiovisuais




The research had the double aim of studying: I) the history of the City of Sao Thome das Letras a City in southem Minas Gerais State, using as the connecting point of the quartz extraction activity which is an ornamental rock abundantly available in the local region and that has been extrated since the last quarter of the 18th century. 2) the experimantation of a new research methodology related to historical studies. Thus, the chosen theorical/methodological approach made use of the joint means of oral history and filmed anthropology especially using exploring videos. The results of the research are presented in two parts: the first of the three presents a series of essays on the history theory and methodology related to the research done in Sao Thome das Letras, the second part talks about the history that was possible to written througb the field methodology experimentation


antropologia visual historia oral historia - metodologia

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