Saúde e democracia : discursos e práticas de acolhimento em uma unidade de atenção primária em saúde de Porto Alegre


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This ethnography describes the daily life of a Primary Health Care unit located in Porto Alegre and a member of the Community Health Service ¿ this latter being part of the institutional structure of the Conceição Hospital Group. This study takes as its starting point the practice of reception accomplished by members of the Primary Healt Care unit, and directed to its users. In this context, such a practice ultimately prompts up discourses and practices relating to participation: of their employees, as well as of its users, who appear grouped under the heading community. Further, this work describes the segmentation and asymmetries that come up as sources of conflict among members of the healthcare team. In this group, which is guided by a discourse of equal participation among its members, there is evidence of an ongoing tension between hierarchy and horizontality. In addition, multiple meanings and practices of community participation are highlighted by actors who hold different positions in this scenario. The different perspectives from which the different actors convey meaning, as well as give rise to practices of participation are then marked. Finally, users perceptions regarding reception are placed in the foreground, thus making it noticeable that the health system, as the different concepts and practices of what health is, are not at all an accomplished, unimprovable product, for, they are processes, not states. Therefore, this ethnography addresses the different political dimensions that are embedded in the everyday, distinctively relational fabric of the Unified Health System.


antropologia da saúde reception unified health system acolhimento democracia democracy etnografia ethnography anthropology of politics sistema Único de saúde. grupo hospitalar conceição. antropologia política participação comunitária porto alegre (rs)

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