Saude todo dia : uma construção coletiva




This thesis is a narrative of the SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde) - health single system - implantation process in the city of Aracaju, in the period between 2001 and 2004, at wich ITomthe author s perspective- an implicad individual- the characaterization of the local, the stadual and the national scene is done, where the social actors dispute health system projects. The tesis is divided in five chapters. The first one is the introduction, In the second chapter the author makes a description of the social, economic and political situation of the city of Aracaju is done, the actors and their respective health projects are presented, as well as their assistential models conceptions, the way as the author tums in a political follow in the implantation of the SUS, the way as the management of the S.M.S (Municipal Health Secretary) of Aracaju conforms itself and its wagers. In the third chapter the author presents the concepts and the explanatory models that were used as mediators of the epistemic construction of the social actors that from the Municipal Health Secretary got down to the task of implanting in Aracaju a health system settled on the principIes of integrality, universality and equity. In the fourth chapter some results are presented. The thesis brings to the debate the techno assistential model conceptions, pedagogy as an instrument of political pactuation, proposes a new management model and describes the dislocation from the initial stage of the implantation of the SUS in Aracaju. In the considerations the author identifies from the dislocation on the SUS implantation stage the difficulties, the advances and the challenges for the consolidation of the SUS principIes.


politica de saude educação em saude saude - planejamento administração em saude publica

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