Se correr o bicho pega, se ficar o bicho come : investigações premiliares sobre o jogo : o ensino das Artes Cênicas e os Tradicionais jogos populares para a infância




This research work was originated from praxis (practice) and it analyses the universe of games under the imaginary view in order to find new meanings for the relations established between the individual that knows the world and that one who tries to know. The traditional popular games in Brazil Polícia e Ladrão, Pique-Bandeira and Garrafão are seen as spontaneous communicative acts where the theatrical language rules. The first chapter brings a great practical experience within children between 7 and 10 years old and the critical review of the available bibliography in Brazil about the theatre on childhood. On the second chapter, I analyse Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Paulo Freire works, which where fundamental on developing game and education concepts. Then, on the third chapter, I make a system with the relations between aesthetics and games, taking into account the sociologist Roger Caillois and the philosopher Walter Benjamin. The practical analyses of Claudine de France structures the research and the results reached in the games analysis. Gaston Bachelard redimensions the structure itself of the know how and of the science. The relevance of this research will have an impact not only on the tiring educational Brazilian tentative for the childhood, but also on the lazy and shallow aesthetical relations about the Drama.


artes jogo game educação estética e imaginação aesthetics and imagination education

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