Segura na mão de Deus e vai : tratamentos clínicos espíritas e suas condições de felicidade




The paper at hand addresses clinical treatment carried out by spiritist institutions or autonomous mediunic healers. Its main purpose is to analyze under which conditions treatment is evaluated as successful by those who undergo it. Ethnographically focusing on five different clinical practices and eighteen interviews with individuals who underwent treatment, this research resulted in twenty two clinical cases. Data was considered in the context of Ordinary Language Philosophy, more specifically Austins speech act theory on happiness conditions of the performatives, as well as elements from Searle and Grice. Data pointed towards a clinic structure, in close resemblance to other forms of treatment, understood as general base characteristics for the clinical process to occur. Three different subjects attitudes towards treatment were identified, that are distinctively related to process happiness or unhappiness. The sacred aspects of counseling by themselves, an inflated promise of cure, do not guarantee happiness, for it depends, mainly, on the following conditions: maintenance and legitimacy of authority of the agent, genuine cry for help, and presence of grave or chronic mishap.


tratamentos espíritas joão de abadiânia comunhão espírita de brasília spiritual healing joão de abadiânia comunhão espírita spiritist treatment happiness conditions valentim condições de felicidade curas espirituais psicologia valentim

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