Seleção de areas favoraveis para implementação de aterros sanitarios via SIG. estudo de caso : area do municipio de Campinas compreendida entre os meridianos 47o14 37 e 46o49 12 W e os paralelos 22o52 47 S e 23o03 50 S




The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the methodological approach of creating a digital spatial data base of the southem part of Campinas, in the State of São Paulo. This region has been chosen because of the large industrial development and urban growth shown in last decades, where of the cases this growth has generated serious environrnentalimpacts. The digital data base produced is based on environrnental evaluation analysis and GIS technology. Those methodologies were used with the specific purpose of selecting favorable areas for landtill, one of most commonlytechnical solution used for waste and garbage disposals. For each variable chosen different grades, were attributed in terms of power of two, which generating 3960 categories. The results achieved were considered safisfactory and a map with 230 possibilities was created. Another important conclusion of this dissertation is the plausibilityof use of this georeferenced digital data base created in several different areas of the scientificknowledge


planejamento urbano sistemas de informação geografica aterro sanitario grass (sistema de computador)

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