Sequence Elements Necessary for Transcriptional Activation of BAD1 in the Yeast Phase of Blastomyces dermatitidis


American Society for Microbiology


Blastomyces dermatitidis is a dimorphic fungal pathogen that converts from mycelia or conidia to a host-adapted yeast morphotype upon infection. Conversion to the yeast form is accompanied by the production of the virulence factor BAD1. Yeast-phase-specific expression of BAD1 is transcriptionally regulated, and its promoter shares homology with that of the yeast-phase-specific gene YPS3 of Histoplasma capsulatum. Serial truncations of the BAD1 upstream region were fused to the lacZ reporter to define functional areas in the promoter. Examination of PBAD1-lacZ fusions in B. dermatitidis indicated that BAD1 transcription is upregulated in the yeast phase. The 63-nucleotide box A region conserved in the YPS3 upstream region was shown to be an essential component of the minimal BAD1 promoter. A matched PYPS3-lacZ construct indicated that this same region was needed for minimal YPS3 promoter activity in B. dermatitidis transformants. Reporter activity in H. capsulatum transformants similarly showed a requirement for box A in the minimal BAD1 promoter. Several putative transcription factor binding sites were identified within box A of BAD1. Replacement of two of these predicted sites within box A—a cAMP responsive element and a Myb binding site—sharply reduced transcriptional activity, indicating that these regions are critical in dictating the yeast-phase-specific expression of this crucial virulence determinant of B. dermatitidis.

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