Sequencing Studies of Icr-170 Mutagenic Specificity in the am (Nadp-Specific Glutamate Dehydrogenase) Gene of NEUROSPORA CRASSA


The acridine half-mustard ICR-170-induced reversion of the mutant am15, which has a single base-pair deletion, at a frequency of between 9 and 28 x 10-6. In each of three classes of revertants, the mutagen had induced the insertion of a (see PDF) base pair at a (see PDF) site. The mutant am6, which has a single base pair insertion, is known to be revertible, with UV light, by deletion of a (see PDF) base pair at a (see PDF) site. This mutant reverted with ICR-170 at a frequency of 0.1 x 10-6. These results show that ICR-170 is able to induce addition frameshifts in Neurospora crassa within short, monotonous runs of G:C base pairs, but indicate a lack of deletion activity at such sequences.

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