Ser homem de 45 a 55 anos na relação heterossexual: da ruptura do silêncio a reflexões de paradigmas / To be a 45- to 55-year-old man in a heterosexual relationship: From rupture of the silence to reflections on paradigms.




MARREGA, M. F To be a 45- to 55-year-old man in a heterosexual relationship: From rupture of the silence to reflections on paradigms. 2005. 319 p. Dissertação Mestrado - FFCLRP- Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2005. Abstract Heterosexuality is presented as a pattern of sexuality established as the sexual norm however, it has been studied little. The definition of the man as the head of the household, strong, emotionally unaffected, consists of the opposing concept of being a woman, considered sensitive, fragile and passive. This patriarchal concept has as a paradigm a clear definition of the roles of gender, which has been legitimized by the social division of work, in which men place themselves in the public sphere of society, materially providing for the family, whilst the women are apt for the private sphere, taking care of the home and the children. However, the sexual achievements of women and their inclusion in the labor market, has caused changes in this scenario. This, together with the conquests of homosexuals and transsexuals triggered significant changes in the roles of gender and the familial structure. Thus, this research aims at understanding how middle-aged men who consider themselves heterosexual, experienced and denoted their affective and sexual experiences over their lives. We focused our attention on the phenomenon: What is heterosexuality? Six men between the ages of 45 and 55 were interviewed utilizing the technique of recorded comprehensive interviews directed by the question: “In your life story, from childhood to nowadays, how did you perceive you were heterosexual and how has this been?” The phenomenologic methodology was utilized to obtain the reports of the collaborators, by comprehensive phenomenologic interviews. The interviews were analyzed from the psychoanalytical point of view and by analyzing the sociological history. Heterosexuality is described by most of the collaborators as being something that naturally emerges from the within and which is confirmed by intense sexual activity with women, thus it is also defined as opposed to the identification with femininity and the possible homosexual inclination. This patriarchal model of a “true man” creates strong narcissist characteristics in the structure of the masculine identity, which are intensely expressed in the adolescence, making the relationship of affective exchange difficult in the adulthood. Sex and affectivity are lived independently, as the first is lived with women with whom you should not become involved and compromised. Loving involvement should be adopted by women of families. Adult relationships are thus, marked by stereotypes of roles of gender. This format of loving relationships is questioned and reflected upon by some of the middle-aged collaborators, as it makes satisfaction and the sensation of authenticity in the loving relationship difficult. The omnipotent and viripotent patterns of the heterosexual patriarchal ideology are questioned by the majority of the collaborators, as they do not satisfy the affective and sexual necessities of these middle-aged men anymore. Some collaborators however, manage to transform these values into another format to adapt to the changes that time has imposed on their relationships. The pursuit of a greater authenticity in the loving relationship caused some collaborators to abandon the stereotypes linked to the roles of gender, as well as the bourgeois format of the modern family, constituting relationships and family groups different to the norms of the modern society. Other collaborators remain part of this traditional pattern. This heterogeneity, characterized by a plurality of models including the traditional in relationships, configures the context of hypermodernity in which these existences are inserted. Key words: heterosexuality, masculine, phenomenology, psychoanalysis


heterosexuality psicanálise psychoanalysis fenomenologia masculino masculine heterossexualidade phenomenology

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