Ser mãe na adolescencia : uma reflexão sobre o cuidado do recem-nascido




Teenage pregnancy. during the last decades. has become a serious public health problem, not only due to the increasing of fertility among teenagers. but also because of the inadequate assistance given to mothers during pregnancy carriage and labor and to their children after birth. In the city ofCampinas. in average, 20% ofthe live bombabies are the children of adolescent mothers. This work aims the analysis of family, social (from school and job) and health structures in support of adolescent mothers (from 13 to 19 years of age), structures that help with general cares for the new bom babies, evaluating the impact of the health services during pregnancy carriage, labor ánd puerperium, as well as other maternal variables prior to exc1usive breast feeding. The sample of 164 teenage mothers was identified through live bom declarations and interviews carried out at these women s homes six months after labor. The standard age ofthe mothers was of 17 years at the time ofthe baby s birth. They usually lived with their partners or other family members, in small households with conditions of sanitation. The research showed tOOt 78.7% of the pregnancies had not been planed and 49% were undesired. However, at the time of interviews, 44,5% ofthe women weren t making use of some contraceptive method. Most ofthem had gone through pre-natal practices, eight appointments in average. Nevertheless, they did not receive effective orientations as to the maintenance of exc1usivebreastfeeding up to the child s 6thmonth. Regarding the presence of family support, 9.1% stated tOOtthey received no help during post-labor, 63,4% did not consider their partners collaborative with domestic duties and 51,8 did not consider them collaborative with cares for the new bom baby. Most of the teenagers had already interrupted their studies before getting pregnánt. and half of those that were studying lost their school year. The logistic regression model obtained allowed us to consider as significant associations to longer periods of exc1usive breastfeeding the following variables: the use of contraceptive methods at the time of the interview (OR=0,24; IC=95%: 0,07 - 0,81), the adolescent feeling prepared to have the baby (OR=0,30; IC=95%: 0.09 - 1,00) and feeling the need to talk to someone due to any difficulty (OR=O,29; IC=95%: 0,10 - 0,87). The time laps superior to 2 hours between labor and the fust breastfeeding (OR=3,45; 95% de IC: 1,08 - 11,05) was associated to premature interruption of exc1usive breastfeeding. The drawn conclusion is that the adolescents, even though living with partners or family members, are not receiving enough nor adequate support to the success of exc1usivebreastfeeding. The teenagers that were still studying did not have the right home schooling guaranteed and, in many cases, 1081their scho01year. As to those who had jobs, some were dismissed during pregnancy and others did not have their rights assured as working mothers. The assi81ancegiven during pre and po81-natal periods was inadequate, encouraging premature weaning as well as not guaranteeing a kind of support to these mothers that would prevent other non p1aned pregnancies


cuidados pessoais com a saude adolescentes amamentação assistencia a maternidade e a infancia

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