Serum acute phase proteins and swine health status


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between swine health status and the concentration of the serum acute phase proteins, haptoglobin (HP), and C-reactive protein (CRP). A total of 378 clinically healthy pigs from farms A and B, plus 20 pigs culled from farm A due to poor growth, were used in this experiment. Each pig was examined and blood samples were collected during slaughter. The HP concentration was measured by using an HP-hemoglobin binding assay. The CRP concentration was measured by using a CRP enzyme immunoassay. Gross and histopathological lesions were examined and recorded at slaughter. Representative samples were then collected in order to isolate pathogens. Swine enzootic pneumonia, found in 47.7% of the pigs, was the most common lesion. Other lesions included pleuropneumonia (32.7%), suppurative pneumonia (10.3%), fibrinous pericardititis (4.3%), Ascaris migration in the liver (33.9%), and intestinal serositis (3.0%).

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