Settles Portraits: A case study in rural settles formed by migrants in Federal District Overturn Region. / Retratos de assentamentos: um estudo de caso em assentamentos rurais formados por migrantes na região do entorno do Distrito Federal




This thesis is based on a research made in Federal Distict overturn region, in the town of Padre Bernardo GO, in the Pé de Serra region, between 2004 and 2006, in four rural settles. In general lines, it aims to know the daily routine and the sociability forms in these rural settles, formed by migrant families. One of the chosen ways to understand the proposal was the observation and the analysis of the day-by-day of settled people. This choice allowed comprehending the relationship systems which sustain this space, or which articulate different forms of living together in it. During the work, it was possible to notice that the settled people are linked to multiple social universes, as the house, the neighborhood, the circulation of people in the bus, relatives, Brasília, work relations, church, mediators group, State, and others. This way, it is possible to state that these settles are in a continuing relation to other spaces. It is, because of the fact that most of settled people are not from the region and have arrived there with previously built social relations, even in other social universes, the settles, these relations still exist. In a general way, the settled people, specially those who live and produce in the settles, reproduce in this space relations with the earth and the work very similar to the ones established by Woortmann (1997), when studying sites in inlands. However, the lack of experience with the cerrado (open pasture with patches of stunted vegetation), the lack of technical knowledge and the lack of infrastructure and of technical assistance attendance are pointed by many people as the main reasons for low results in the using of credits and for the lack of an effective production. And, finally, it is possible to reflect if the settles are a relative final point, once the experiences live in the settles can be subsides people need to migrate, that it, it is necessary to accept that people can go away from the settles and that they may not be a final point for some families. Besides, the settled person who has sold his/her site and has used the credit for another thing may have seen, in this act, a possibility of a step to another social-economic degree in the social structure.


sociologia federal district overturn rural settles. entorno do distrito federal migration assentamentos rurais. migração

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