Sexualidade da pessoa com deficiência mental : entre discursos de verdade e a possibilidade de outras práticas de si




Under the presumed studies of Michel Foucault, this research was developed with the objective of analyzing the truth speeches on the person sexuality with mental deficiency in ten academic works. The analyzed works are related to two doctorate thesis and eight master dissertations. From Foulcaults presumed studies, the set of these ten research reports were treated as a scientific knowlegde speech authorized and recognized for the society as a truth speech. The main Foulcaults presumed studies used for the development of the analysis were: the historical production of knowledge, the truth circulation by the speeches, the entailment between truth production and sustainment of a given power, the appearance of the sexuality device, the bodies regulation and the subjects normalization, correlate processes to the biopolitical mechanic. First, it was arisen on the research the family and school conceptions regarding the person sexuality with mental deficiency showed on the research reports. Afterwards the truth speeches had been analyzed on the sexuality, and on the person sexuality with mental deficiency. The most common conceptions between relatives and professionals designated in the works express the beliefs that people with mental deficiency, independent deficiency of band age, are eternal children, considered without sexuality, malice, desires, or that they possess a sharp sexuality, being hipersexuals. The research reports try to undo and to get rid of these conceptions. It was verified, however, that by the conceptions of expressed sexuality, the way how they conceive the manifestations of the subjects sexuality with mental deficiency as problematic, and by the arguments that are related in order to make the defense and the proposal of sexual orientation as amsolution, a remedy for the problem of the unadjustment of its manifestation forms of sexuality to the social norms and rules, the reports end by producing the speech that the sexuality of the person with mental deficiency is abnormal. Considering the truth speeches on the sexuality of the person with mental deficiency circulated by the research reports and the presumed and conceptions sexuality on which they seize upon in order to argue on behalf of the sexual orientation, it can be stated that they end by corroborating with the biopolitical mechanic, whose effects are the subjects regulation and the normalization on their sexuality. The production of a truth speech in the interior of a legitimated socially knowledge field and the proposal of a determined school practice however it may be, the sexual orientation coming of this same knowledge field considered true, make it clear the correlation between the know-power relation and the access and interference forms in the experience of the sexuality as the individually subjects as the group of people with mental deficiency.


orientação sexual deficiência mental sexuality sexualidade educacao especial sexual orientation mental deficiency

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