Shabat e a conservaÃÃo do judaÃsmo. O sÃtimo dia faz renascer a quintessÃncia e a partÃcula elementar do universo




This study deals with the Jewish ritual of the Sabbath here seen as a passing ritual from the profane to the sacred. Sabbath, which in Hebrew means to cease, corresponds to the seventh day, the Saturday. Since in the Jewish calendar the day begins in the end of the afternoon, the Sabbath has its start in the Fridayâs sunset, during until the Saturdayâs sunset. Because it is a millenary ritual, its origin is shown, its description, the place it takes in the weekly Jewish cycle, its living through all this existence time, and the way it collaborates to the maintenance of the very Jewish people and culture. It is analyzed how this tradition can still serve as identity reference, in despite of all social-cultural changes occurred throughout the time, by the several dispersions or by the necessity of transformations and adaptations existing in the modern society. For this purpose this study has in ethnic-history a fundamental element to the analysis done, what make of this research of synchronic and diachronic orientation. Since the focus is the Sabbath in the present Jewish community in Recife, in behalf of the construction of this ethnography it is searched the place it ritual takes in Pernambuco since the sixteenth century period, time of the New-Christians and crypt-Jews among the Inquisition, passing through the later formation of the first Jewish community in Pernambuco, in the seventeenth century, until the rise of the second (the present) community. This way it is possible to understand Sabbathâs dynamic, with its cultural intercourse in the local society and its living in the Jewish community. It was chosen the Grupo Renascer (presently denominated CongregaÃÃo Israelita de Pernambuco â CIPE / Jewish Pernambuco Congregation) to the synchronic study realization. The main idea resides in the assertion that, although the Sabbath presents itself weakly in the present community, giving a possible perception of its fragmentation because of the social-cultural changes, it continues with the same prominence that made of it a rite for the people integration and immortalization of the Jewish values. Its change is taken as a necessary phenomena for it permanence. This way, the comprehension of the object is built from this dialectics between changing vs. Continuance. The main concepts deled with are: identity, tradition and social memory. All the research precinct is done from the symbolic anthropology view and the imaginary, being used also the following instruments of the anthropology of complexity: concepts migration and metaphor. Through these instruments it is built a bridge of the anthropological phenomena in question with the chemistry history and laws. This way, the metaphorical writing and the used concepts will generate around the alchemic universe specifically the four elements (fire, water, earth and air), the search for the fifth element (or Quintessence), and the development of modern chemistry, giving prominence to the Substance Preservation Law (Lavoisier) to show that although the expression of the Sabbath tradition has been transformed, this ritual continues to serve as fundamental element to the maintenance of Judaism


shabat ritual judaico recife antropologia

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