Sight-singing : a way for the construction of audiation for the professional musician / Leitura cantada : um caminho para construção da audiação no músico profissional




This research is an exploratory study of qualitative nature, and aims to examine the relevance of sight-singing and audiation in the life of a professional musician. Initially, two possible views are presented for the study of sight-singing: historical and psychological. The former comprises a summarized historical review of the systematization of traditional musical notation (beginning in the 11th century) and concerns of the main musical educators to facilitate music learning using, among other tools, sight-singing. The psychological view discusses aspects regarding audiation, which comprises conscious musical thought, expressed, under one of its forms, in the possibility of reading a musical score in a mental and autonomous manner. Drawing upon this theoretical basis, statements of six professional musicians (two instrument players, two conductors, and two composers) were gathered through semi-structured interviews in order to know their experiences in the field of sight-singing and audiation, during their period of musical formation and professional life. The result of the analysis of the content of the gathered data provided a discourse of the collective subject of the main themes of the research, in which the auxiliary role of sight-singing in the process of construction of audiation was confirmed, as well as the need of awareness, on the part of students, professors and teaching institutions, of the importance of acquisition of aural competencies on the part of the students, by means of integrated subjects, with interesting contents, so as to constantly improve their musical abilities


musical perception sight-singing leitura cantada audiação percepção musical audiation

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