Simulation of optical and physiological phenomena of the human vision / Simulação de fenômenos óticos e fisiológicos do sistema de visão humana




The increase in performance of the modern computers has driven scientific work in the areas of computer simulation. Many authors use in their research commercial tools that use embedding algorithms, which sources are not provided, and it makes harder and sometimes impossible, the development of novel theories or experiments. This work explores this gap left for those authors. We present a computational framework capable to reproduce the optical and physiological phenomena of the human visual system. We construct schematical models of the human eye from quadrics surfaces and consider an algorithm of realistic ray tracing. Afterward, we performed a study on schematics models and in addition we introduce, in these models, in-vivo data obtained from corneal topography machine and extract optical information. We calculate the Zernike coefficients in the models for different sizes of pupil and measures of aberration of the human eye. The results are in agreement with related work and simulations with in-vivo data are according with the produced by a commercial wave-front device. This work is an effort in using to advantage the information acquired for the modern equipment of ophthalmology, besides assisting the understanding of biological visual systems, it also helps the development of artificial vision systems and the designing of optical systems


esquematics model eye função de espalhamento de ponto e função de transferência de modulação spot diagram wave-front accommodation acomodação aberração dioptria razão de strehl aberration dioptry spherical aberration modelos esquemátizados do olho humano zernike polynomials diagrama de pontos frente de onda mtf polinômio de zernike point spread function and modulation transfer function strehl ratio psf

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