Sinais dos tempos : marcas da violencia em diferentes modos de linguagem da criança




As we go deeper in the challenging adventure of observinglliving the stories that are built during the school day to day reality, it is possible to notice that there are several voices who try to explain the students lack of participation in the school activities. Such voices present explanations as lack of motivation, immaturity, pressures of a cultural universe different from the child s one, and even resistance to the domination and reproduction process of the institution. However, when we focus on these voices, that appear in the social space of a public school in the suburb of the city of Campinas, following Vygotsky and Bakhtin s theoretical and methodological guidelines, this work shows that behind the silence, inattentiveness and the children s (apparent) lack of involvement in the academic work, there are no lack of motivation, resistance or resignation, but different ways of communication (gestures, expressions, drawings, silence and the written and spoken language) the children use to express the physicallsymbolic violence lived in the society or the family.Therefore, with the goal of studying the "meaning of the children s different ways of communication that are marks of violence", this work tries to interpret the relation between the different ways of communication and the violence; how these different ways of communication, that are marks of violence, are produced (how they are originated); the meaning of the interactions, mediated by these different ways of communication, among the children themselves and between them and the teacher; and how the interactions meaning is built, transformed and negotiated with the "other".Based on the analysis of the episodes, acquired from the empirical material collected for another research done in the same school, the present research - a qualitative one, made during the ethnographic research process - lets us notice that the violence leaves marks and, being a phenomenon that belongs to human affairs and goes further than the violation of laws and limits accepted by the society, allows a glimpse of the treat of the unpredictable, reducing the relation to a inconceivable state, where everything can happen every moment. As violence produces a feeling of fear and terror, the analyzed children are, in this case, using different ways of communication, not only to reveal a request for help, but also to signalize a silenced violence experience, the drama of a game that they can t win and not even escape


violencia linguagem semiotica crianças - linguagem

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