Sinalização por carboidratos em cana-de-açucar e divergencia evolutiva / Sugar signaling in sugarcane and evolution diversification




Besides act as carbon primary source in the major types of cells, sugars produced by photosynthesis acquired important functions in the course of plant s evolution like controlling growth, development, and metabolism and acting in resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses like osmotic, energetic and response to pathogens. Sugars can be signals that active signal transduction pathways to change genes expression programs. In order to access the diversification of sugar pathway signaling in angiosperms we conduct comparative analysis of the gene expression in response to sucrose and glucose in seedlings of the monocot Saccharum sp. and the eudicot Arabidopsis thaliana. We also aimed to access the possible correlation between genes related to sucrose storage in sugar-cane and genes related to primary sugar responses. Another aim was to identify deferentially expressed genes in sucrose response. A clearly relation between genes related to sucrose storage in sugar-cane and quickly primary response to sugars was obtained by qRT-PCR analysis. We tested 34 SAS (Sugar Assembled Sequence) related to sucrose storage in sugar-cane and we found that 24 of them were responsive to glucose and/or sucrose. Nine genes showed the same expression pattern (induction or repression) in response to sugar as seen in high Brix genotypes. Six, of this 24 genes, have Arabidopsis orthologues regulated in the same direction (induced or repressed). One is an IAA16 transcription factor that is repressed by both, glucose and sucrose, and may play a role in an integrative pathway of sugar and auxin responses. We also find two SNFs kinases (paralogues) related to a single Arabidopsis ortholog showing the repression response. Another interesting gene is a dehydrin that was repressed in response to sucrose and glucose in sugar-cane and Arabidopsis (its ortholog) and in the high Brix sugar-cane genotypes. It suggests an important role for this dehydrin in processes related to sucrose signaling and storage. In the second part of this work, the sugar-cane cDNA microarray chip, called SUCAST, allow us to identify 55 deferentially expressed in response to sucrose. Only three of these genes have orthologues regulated in same way in sugar-cane and Arabidopsis. These genes correspond to two protein-kinase and a pseudo-response regulator. This preliminary approach leads us to identify conserved genes in sugar signaling among angiosperms that possibly represents important nodes in the regulatory networks in response to sugars. Establishing the involvement of some of these genes in the ability of sucrose storage in sugar-cane s culm will lead us to new perspectives in the molecular basis of this characteristic. More specific works are also needed to improve the knowledge about the real degree of evolutive diversification in sugar signaling among angiosperms and associated genetic fitness


sugar signalling phylogeny angiosperms sugarcane cana-de-açucar angiosperma filogenia

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